Time to market - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In commerce, time to market (TTM) is the length of time it takes from a product being conceived until its being available for sale. TTM is important in industries ...
time to market什麽意思_time to market中文翻譯是:(一個新產品從構 ... time to market的中文意思:(一個新產品從構思到實際推入市場所用的時間)上市 時間…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋time to market的中文翻譯,time to market 的 ...
What is time to market? definition and meaning Definition of time to market: Length of time taken in product development process from product idea to the finished product. It is a critical component of time ...
產業策略評析:從即時到對時-企業管理第二招 - STPI訂購電子資源 2006年8月9日 ... [1]一文中,作者討論鴻海爭霸全球的佈局,並提出一地設計(Time to Market)、三地 製造(Time to Volume)、以及全球交貨(Time to Money)的三大 ...
What is Time to Market? - Definition from Techopedia Time to Market Definition - Time to market is a term for the period of time between the first ideas around a product and its eventual availability on...
Improving Product Time to Market (TTM) | Arena Solutions While the definition of time to market (TTM) can vary depending on the company and product complexity, for the purpose of this article we are going to define ...
Reduce Time-to-Market | PTC Outpacing competitors and taking market share means fast-tracking new product introductions. Learn more about PTC's solutions for reducing Time-to-Market.
Time-to-Market – Wikipedia Unter dem Begriff „time to market“ (TTM) (englisch, etwa: Vorlaufzeit, Produkteinführungszeit) versteht man die Dauer von der Produktentwicklung bis zur ...
How New Product Time To Market Impacts Revenue and Profitability 2 Feb 2015 ... Making your new product development time to market goals generates more sales and greater profitability but 79% of new products still miss ...